From the Mic

Episode 12 - Wendy Graham

Episode Summary

Wendy Graham (Durango, Colorado) is a self-proclaimed “dance maniac.” Her passion for music, song and dance caught fire in 1991 on a Danish-American Exchange (DAE) youth dance tour to Denmark. Today, Wendy leads English and American community folk dances and teaches social couples dance across the country and around the world. In this interview Wendy shares some powerful stories about the formative experiences that shaped her love and dedication to community dancing (and also explains how she got so many pen pals!) She also offers some of her thoughts on the ever-shifting landscape of dance roles and calling terminology, including global positional calling, which we haven’t really discussed on this podcast very much. You’ll love getting to know Wendy!

Episode Notes

See the From the Mic website for great bonus content, including pictures and audio, transcripts, and more. Click here to download the transcript directly.

And the Country Dance and Song Society for information about Contra and English country dance across the continent

Sound bites featured in this episode (in order of appearance):

More about Wendy