From the Mic

Episode 18 - David Smukler

Episode Summary

This episode we hear from the most excellent David Smukler. A dance caller, scholar, organizer, choreographer, teacher, champion of chestnuts…the list goes on. He grew up singing folk songs with his mom and began dancing contras in New Hampshire as a teen. In 1981 he was drafted to call for his local dance and has been calling ever since. David helped create an innovative Central New York gathering for callers, as well as the world’s first Contra Prom. David has recently returned for another term on the CDSS board and is next in line to serve as board president!

Episode Notes

See the From the Mic website for great bonus content, including pictures and audio, transcripts, and more. Click here to download the transcript directly.

And the Country Dance and Song Society for information about Contra and English country dance across the continent.

 Sound bites featured in this episode (in order of appearance):