From the Mic

Episode 8 - Chris Ricciotti

Episode Summary

We’re back with an interview with none other than the “Queen Mum” of gender-free contra dancing, Chris Ricciotti! Chris has a long resume as a dancer, dance teacher, caller, and organizer and he’s been one of the pillars of the gender-free dance community. In 1987, he started what would eventually become a network of contra, square, English and folk dances for the gay, lesbian, bi, and trans community around New England and the US. Chris still teaches contra and square dancing, English, Scottish country dancing, Scandanavian turning couple dances, International Folk dances and vintage couple and set dances from the 1860s through the 1920's. He also plays melodeon for contra and English dances as well as morris dancing!

Episode Notes

See the From the Mic website for great bonus content, including pictures and audio, transcripts, and more. Click here to download the transcript directly.

And the Country Dance and Song Society for information about Contra and English country dance across the continent.

Sound bites featured in this episode (in order of appearance):

More about Chris